MARSWORTH AIRFIELD Planning Application
Information on this significant planning application can now be found on a separate page Click Here to access
Information on this significant planning application for 1,600 homes can now be found on a separate page Click Here to access
Marsworth Conservation Area.
Click on map to open. A larger image is accessible from the file download below the map
Chilterns SAC
See the attached explanatory presentation on the Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation
National Planning Policy Framework 2023
Reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework 2024
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is seeking views on how we might revise national planning policy to support their wider objectives to achieve sustainable growth in the planning system. They are also seeking views on a series of wider policy proposals in relation to increasing planning fees, local plan intervention criteria and appropriate thresholds for certain Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects.
They have opened consultation process which closes at 11.45pm on Tuesday 24 September 2024.
For more information view their consultation documentation here
Buckinghamshire Council seeks views on new housing strategy click here for more details
Dacorum Local Plan
Dacorum Borough Council is consulting on the next stage of the Dacorum Local Plan 2024-2040. This focused consultation, called ‘Revised Strategy for Growth’, responds to key issues raised by communities Once adopted, the new Local Plan will replace the Core Strategy and Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD)
You can submit your comments online via The survey can be completed online from or the survey can be downloaded and printed from
All information and documents relating to the consultation are available to view on the new consultation portal:
Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP)
Luton Airport Expansion.
London Luton Airport Expansion Development Consent Order (DCO)
London Luton Airport is proposing to increase by at least 10 million per year the number of passengers for whom the airport is capable of providing air passenger transport services.
Luton Airport DCO – Proposals
A new passenger terminal and additional aircraft stands.
Increase -18 million passengers per annum to 32 million.
See the following document for more information and Click Here to register your interest.
Startops Farm Planning Application
Redevelopment of the existing farm complex to enable two replacement farm buildings to be constructed with hard standing, parking areas and new access. Demolition of the existing farm, commercial, and equestrian buildings, and existing single storey bungalow. Construction of 9no dwellings and associated works including parking provision and access.
Anglers Retreat Planning Application 2024
Planning Application 24/00405/APP
Conversion of public house to detached dwelling with associated works including demolition of existing side conservatory and replacement with single storey side extension, replacement roof to single storey rear extension & replacement windows . Demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of two detached dwellings, with associated driveway and private parking bays
Marsworth Parish Council Objection
Marsworth Parish Council objects as it does not want to see a third public house in the
village disappear in the space of 15 years. It believes the Anglers Retreat has the potential (as has been demonstrated in the past) to be a successful and lucrative business.
The proximity to the canal and reservoirs is a strong attraction and the pub is often very busy with a noticeably different clientele to the Red Lion - the remaining pub at the opposite end of the
village. While the existing owners may prefer residential development to continuing operation, this is clearly not an economic necessity. We feel sure that, as recently evidenced at the Red Lion, a
fresh and enthusiastic management would significantly improve the volume of business. We do not believe the economic non-viability of the location and buildings is a valid argument in this
Chiltern Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation - Buckinghamshire Council mitigation review due by January 2023
The planning application has been delayed awaiting the SAC determination for Buckinghamshire. Determination expected in December 23 and then a decision on the planning application for the White Lion should follow.
Following representations by the Parish Council through County Councillors to Bucks Council, Planners issued a Section 215 notice requiring the owners of the building to tidy it up as per the file S215 above.
The planning application to turn the existing building into 2 dwellings has been resubmitted a second time to correct minor errors in the previous one.
The planning application for 6 dwellings at the rear of the existing building has been refused - see file above for reasons. However a notice of appeal has been served - see Appeal - which may have overturned the refusal decision but this appeal has been rejected by the Planning Inspectorate - see decision letter