Local Information

Map of Marsworth Area  Click on map to open.

Map of Marsworth Conservation Area. Click on map to open.  A larger image is available on application to the Parish Clerk

Marsworth Pre-School. Click on image below for a link to the Pre-School website

Thames Valley Police - Emergency call 999

Non-emergency- call 101

To log a report use the following link: thamesvalley.police.uk/ro/report/


The PCs for Marsworth are PC Dionne Edwards and PC Jake Bye.  For discussion they can be contacted on by email:  WingNHPT@thamesvalley.police.uk    For a non-urgent issue (ie not 999) please log a report on thamesvalley.police.uk/ro/report/  

which is constanly monitored by the team.  


The Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley is Matthew Barber. His monthly bulletin for March can be viewed here


Thames Valley Alerts is a system where the Police can send an email to specific communities and areas if there has been an incident or crime in that location. This not only enables people to be extra vigilant but it also keeps them informed of what is going on in their area.  https://thamesvalleyalert.co.uk/

Victims of Crime Support on https://www.victims-first.org.uk/

See also the Marsworth Neighbourhood Watch page.

Honey Bee Swarms


Honey bees are the only insect that swarms. It is nature’s way of increasing the population. When a colony reaches sufficient size, the bees begin to make queen cells to raise a new queen. Before the new queen emerges about half the colony leave the nest with the old queen and seek a new colony site.

Changes to habitat over the past 70 years have meant that the number of wild or feral honey bee colonies has fallen.

The loss of 98% of the wild flower meadows has had a major effect on the forage available to bees. The use of specific herbicides mean that rarely do we see cereal crops with red poppies, blue cornflowers and other wild flowers growing in them. Field margins and road verges often contain little wildflower diversity.

Dutch Elm disease and more latterly, Ash Dieback, have reduced the number of mature trees with suitable nesting cavities for bees.

This has placed an increasing burden upon beekeepers, the majority of whom are amateurs, to maintain the honey bee population. Gardens are often the most popular sources of food for honey bees. My own bees, on the edge of the village, produce more honey than those located in apiaries in the countryside.

Lack of natural nesting sites means swarms often set up home in buildings. Disused chimneys, soffit boards and roof spaces are often used. Sometimes they occupy parts of building with no issues for the bees or householders but honey dripping through a ceiling can be a nuisance. I helped remove a swarm that had set up home in a gas boiler which the bees accessed through the flue pipe.

Survival rates of swarms left to their own devices are poor. Every year local beekeepers offer a free swarm collection service. Safely collected and house in a suitable hive, survival rates are much better.

Bees in a swarm are usually docile but you should never interfere with them. If you see a swarm, go to the British Beekeepers Association, (BBKA), website https://www.bbka.org.uk/swarm
and find you nearest swarm collector. The same collectors locally can be found on the Mid Bucks Beekeepers Association website

Community Speedwatch

The Community Speedwatch initiative is now operational.   Click here to access.

Household recycling centres, permits and waste facilities

Residents in Buckinghamshire will be able to dispose of small amounts of DIY waste for free at Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) from 31 December 2023.

The changes have been brought in by central government and will make it easier for people to freely dispose of small amounts of waste created at home from DIY projects such as re-tiling, renovating a bathroom or digging a pond in the garden.


. From 31 December 2023 any resident wanting to dispose of household DIY waste at a HRC will need to have an e-permit printed out or on a portable device, such as a mobile phone or tablet, before they visit. This only affects residents who wish to bring household DIY waste.


For more information, apply for permits etc visit the Bucks website: 


Village Hall - to book the village hall contact Francis Brown on 01296 661211 (after 4:00 pm)


Lease agreement between Marsworth Parish Council and Village Hall Committee Click Here


Marsworth Village Hall Safeguarding-Policy-and-Procedures 2023
Marsworth Village Hall Safeguarding-Poli[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [168.5 KB]

Helping Hand Bucks Need help with the cost of living?

Contact Website:https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/cost-of-living/contact-helping-hand/


Your local Community Foundation, Heart of Bucks is partnering with SWEF, a Charitable company set up by a group of entrepreneurs,  to make grants of up to £2000 available, along with advice and support from a network of experienced business professionals. The funders SWEF CIC and Heart of Bucks are committed to the principles of equity, so the priority for this fund is to support those with less advantage in their early life, who may not be able to generate funding from other sources. https://youngfuturesfund.org/funding/bursaries/

Young Entrepreneurs Fund

If you are working on an early-stage business or commercial activity, this fund could give you the boost you need to get established. You’ll also benefit from feedback and advice from a group of experienced entrepreneurs and access to their the ‘Business Owner Forums’.

Maximum Grant Amount £2000

There are no deadlines for submission. Applications are considered as they are received. You should receive a decision within six weeks of your application.




Tring Farmers Market: Dates for December 2023 and 2024 

All Saints Church on www.marsworth-church.org

Church Warden: John White 01296 662252

Church Warden: Richard Cooper 01296 661725


Who's Who at All Saints Marsworth

Who's Who at All Saints Marsworth
Church Groups.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [154.1 KB]

Canal and River Trust

CRT to charge for use of towpath for planned events see notice

 Chilterns AONB

Now renamed to Chilterns National Landscape

web site. Click here for the new web site

Latest Newsletter May 2024


Chilterns Society

Latest Newsletter October 2023


Update on HS2

Click Here for an update on HS2 from Buckinghamshire Council


Marsworth C of E Infant School

Vicarage Road, Marsworth
Bucks, HP23 4LT
Telephone         01296 668440
Email                  office@marsworth.bucks.sch.uk

Headteacher: Mrs Angela Polatci

Marsworth Pre-School on www.marsworthpreschool.org.uk


Tring Local History

Interesting Websites and information on the history of Tring and surrounding Areas:


https://tringlocalhistory.org.uk/Recollections_3/index.htm Short articles and photographs of historical Tring


Tring Local History Museum - Details of Tring Local History Museum and the Local History Society:






Defibrillator: There is a defibrillator on the outside wall of the village hall. If it is required it can be accessed by calling the telephone number on the case and following the access instructions. Defibrillators are very easy to use. Although they don’t all look the same, they all function in broadly the same way. You don't need training to use one. The machine gives clear spoken instructions – all you have to do is follow them - and it won’t shock someone unless they need it. There is a useful video by the British Heart Foundation on Youtube if you want to know more.


In the event of a major incident or evacuation please contact Bob Kennedy 01296 661533 or mobile 07962 002250 or a Parish Councillor for instructions.


Buckinghamshire County Council- any highway problems: 

Flooding on the public highway – Buckinghamshire Highways for our Bucks councils

In office hours Telephone: 01296 382 416

Out of office hours Telephone: 01296 486 630 

Online: Report a blocked drain or flooding


Flooding from a main river or reservoir – Environment Agency Floodline  Telephone: 0845 988 1188  Online: Check for flooding


Flooding from a public sewer – contact your water utility company if the cause of flooding is from a sewer, a burst water main or a household storm water drain.

Anglian Water: 03457 145 145  Thames Water: 0800 316 9800  Affinity Water: 08457 823 333


Main rivers blocked by debris or a fallen tree – Environment Agency  Telephone: 0800 80 70 60

 Incident report line for 'fly tipping':  Illegal Dumping 0845 330 1856


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