Buckinghamshire Council Press Releases    



Please find below a copy of the Buckinghamshire Council Acupuncture, tattooing, semi-permanent skin-colouring, cosmetic piercing and electrolysis Byelaws 2023 made by Buckinghamshire Council and confirmed by the Secretary of State for Health on 5 July 2023.  These Byelaws came into effect on 5 August 2023 and apply to the whole of the administrative area of Buckinghamshire Council.  Please note they revoke previous Byelaws as set out in Schedule 1.   

Under section 236(9) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Byelaws are required to be sent to the proper officer of every parish to which they apply.


Skin Piercing Byelaw Confirmed 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.8 MB]
NALC Advisory note on Council funding of churches etc
Adobe Acrobat document [90.7 KB]
Home Office Code_of_Practice_WEB Jan 24
Adobe Acrobat document [399.4 KB]

The Council and Returning Officer are required to carry out a review of the places where electors vote. We are seeking comments on the proposals for polling districts and polling places from 2 October to 4 December 2023. 


Notice of Polling Districts and Polling Places Review
2023.10.02 Notice of review of polling d[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [158.6 KB]


Updates for Town and Parish Councils


28th October

Click here for October Newsletter

IIn this newsletter:

  1. Be Flood Ready
  2. Flooding survey for residents
  3. Christmas and free parking day allocations arrangements
  4. Consultations
  5. Welcoming Spaces for residents
  6. Private Fostering
  7. Energy Doctor survey
  8. Buckinghamshire Jobs, Skills and Opportunities Fair
  9. Local Events
    Electric scooters – hire scheme returns
  10. Spotlight on Marlow Town Council
  11. School Crossing Patrollers – Vacancies
  12. Dates for Your Diary
  13. Town and Parish Council customer service VIP line







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